
Registration fees are quoted in US Dollars

Option #1: Master Series Travel’n’Learn CME/CDE:
Benefit from an annual membership and learn wherever and whenever you travel, with our continuing medical education and continuing dental education conferences and lectures on the go. Take our CME and CDE courses on any vacation or cruise. All lectures are top notch and fully accredited.
Delegate $1195
Accompanying Persons: $480 (lectures not included)
Late Fee: $30 if fewer than 48 hrs
Delegates may earn a maximum of 18 Medical or Dental Education Credits with the Master Series option.
Annual memberships begin on the first travel day your account is activated.
Option #2: Excellence Series Travel’n’Learn CME/CDE:
With the Excellence Series, travel anywhere for up to two weeks and receive qualified accredited Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Dental Education, Seminars, Lectures or Conferences of your choice.
Delegate $695
Accompanying Persons: $305 (lectures not included)
Late Fee: $30 if fewer than 48 hrs
Delegates may choose up to 8 lectures to complete within 14 days.
Option #3: Foundation Series Travel’n’Learn CME/CDE:
The Foundation Series offers a one-week five lecture option for a quick relaxing escape wherever you choose to travel as you combine our high quality accredited Medical and Dental Education Seminars, Conferences and Lectures to advance and refresh your qualifications.
Delegate $465
Accompanying Persons: $225 (lectures not included)
Late Fee: $30 if fewer than 48 hrs
Delegates may choose 5 lectures to complete within 7 days.
Option #4: Primer Travel’n’Learn CME/CDE:
Our Primer Travel’n’Learn option offers you the flexibility to convert any out-of-town trip into an educational opportunity with our accredited medical and dental education lectures, conferences or seminars.
Delegate $410
Accompanying Persons: $225 (lectures not included)
Late Fee: $30 if fewer than 48 hrs
Delegates may choose 3 lectures to complete within 3 days.

Printout of file and documentation containing list of lectures, dates and locations: $45.00

Payment Methods:
NEI Conferences accepts the following payments:
On line : PayPal

Registration must be completed online (access from any page on the website). Account activation will be finalized once the registration and payment have been completed.

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